If you are interested in interviewing a Michigan Chamber representative, contact Sara Wurfel, chief communications and marketing officer, at (517) 599-3470 or swurfel@michamber.com.
Wendy Block, SVP of business advocacy, in unison with the Great Lakes Growth Coalition, submits opinion piece to the Detroit Free Press in opposition to proposed legislation that would allow local governments to create their own employment laws and regulations.

Jim Holcomb, president and CEO of the Michigan Chamber, and Geno Alessandrini, business manager of Michigan Laborers, write an opinion piece on the importance of modernizing Michigan’s energy infrastructure with the addition of the Great Lakes Tunnel.

The Michigan Chamber Foundation today announced that the first round of the National Civics Bee in Michigan is officially open for all 6th, 7th and 8th graders from across both peninsulas! Organized in partnership with The Civic Trust of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation, the Bees are designed to inspire middle schoolers to become better informed about American democracy, to engage respectfully and constructively in the community, and to build greater trust in others and institutions.

The Line 5 pipeline isn’t a complicated issue. For more than 60 years it has safely moved 540,000 barrels of fuel across the region every day, supplying the energy we use to keep our lights on and homes warm in the winter.
Line 5 shouldn’t be a partisan issue. Neither should building the Great Lakes Tunnel, which would move a portion of Line 5 out of the Straits of Mackinac and in a concrete tunnel below the lakebed. Instead, it’s a vital energy infrastructure project that’s been backed by the Great Lakes Michigan Jobs coalition, a broad-based group representing every corner of the state.

Michigan will host the National Civics Bee for middle schoolers in 2024, an event aimed at encouraging more youths to engage in civics and contribute to their communities.
The Michigan Chamber of Commerce is partnering with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation and six local/regional chambers to host the competition, where students can win recognition and cash prizes.

The Michigan Chamber released the following statement in response to Michigan House Committee on Energy, Communications and Technology passing rushed legislation with little public testimony or transparency. Senate Bills 271 and 502 are expected to proceed to the full House for final passage even yet today.