The trusted compensation data you need.
The Michigan Chamber and have partnered to help provide Michigan businesses special pricing deals on the most trusted and in-demand market data to help pay your employees competitively and fairly.
Employers can be challenged with getting compensation right in order to stay competitive. Effective, high quality, up-to-date salary data can help. Salary surveys are the preferred research tool for accurately market pricing jobs.
In an eBook from our partner, you’ll learn: The role of data in compensation; why and when to use salary surveys; and how to select and participate in a salary survey.
This exciting new partnership will provide free or discounted benchmark jobs reports and salary surveys.
- OFFER #1: Benchmark Jobs Report
Get access to nationwide compensation data covering 15,000 jobs across 225 industries over 187 major cities, areas and zip codes.**Your Special Offer: First three (3) reports per company are free. Additional reports are discounted to $220 each. View a sample report.
- OFFER #2: Salary Surveys
Get access to the pay and benefits data for the companies you compete against. Covering more than 55,000 participating organizations across 14 industries with more than 2,600 benchmark job titles.
**Your Special Offer: 10% discount for each survey (15% with 3-year subscription)
Learn more or sign up for these two great offers today!