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Good News! Expanded Small Business Personal Property Tax Relief Introduced

Two bills were introduced last week to expand the Small Business Personal Property Tax Exemption.

House Bill 4214 increases the PPT exemption from $80,000 to $100,000. Currently, businesses with less than $80,000 in personal property are exempt from the tax. The legislation would expand that exemption threshold by $20,000.

House Bill 4215 would increase the ability for a small business to appeal the denial of the Small Business Personal Property Tax Exemption in the case where a business fails to file. Currently, a small business can appeal to the March Board of Review if they fail to get their exemption filed with the local government by the February deadline. This legislation would allow a taxpayer to appeal to the July Board of Review as well.

Additionally, HB 4215 allows a small business, in the first year of being eligible for the Small Business Personal Property Tax Exemption, to file for the exemption retroactively in the subsequent year by going to the March or July Board of Review.

The Michigan Chamber supports the bills.

For more information, contact Dan Papineau at