
What matters to Michigan

The Michigan Chamber supports policies that promote entrepreneurship and business success in our state. We work directly with our members to identify the challenges they face and move to find solutions that will strengthen their organization and our state’s economy. The Chamber’s 2023-2024 legislative priorities reflect its commitment to delivering powerful advocacy and being the leading voice for business at the State Capitol.

Key Legislative Priorities

Our lobbying efforts are focused on a number of key issues that impact the success of Michigan businesses. Below are overviews of each of our legislative priorities.

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Across our state, employers have faced chronic struggles finding enough skilled workers to fill critical jobs and grow their businesses. Because Michigan is in a race with other states for talent, Michigan must double down on attracting and retaining workers. We must also rethink our approach to K-12 education to ensure today’s students have the education and skills needed to succeed and help move Michigan forward. Every decision should focus on the student and student achievement.

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For Michigan to be a leader in job creation and economic vibrancy and resiliency, our state’s employment laws must be fair, practical and affordable. Michigan job providers need the flexibility to operate their businesses – and attract and retain good and talented employees – without intrusive government mandates, regulations and restrictions.

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Michigan job providers contribute substantially to state and local government, paying just under $14 billion a year in state and local taxes, according to a recent report compiled by the Anderson Economic Group. Michigan has also made significant improvements to its business tax environment and must continue to do so to stay economically competitive for jobs and investment. Protecting and building on past reforms will continue to promote Michigan’s strengthening fiscal health.

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We must remain focused on the goal of making Michigan a competitive place to do business. Energy costs will always be a primary driver for business decisions, which is why we must ensure we have access to competitively priced and reliable oil, natural gas and electricity and advance smart sustainability efforts that build for the future.

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Michigan is blessed with an abundance of unique, diverse natural resources that define our state and are critical for quality of life and economic prosperity. We must deploy a multitude of strategies that ensure our state’s business community has certainty when it comes to environmental regulations and bear costs that are only reasonable and necessary. And we must focus on the meaningful involvement of all citizens with respect to the implementation of environmental laws while also supporting economic growth and job creation to keep Michigan competitive.

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Rising health care costs continue to be a significant financial threat to Michigan’s businesses. Policymakers should avoid implementing costly state and federal health insurance mandates and other plan design restrictions, and instead focus on implementing market-friendly, consumer-driven reforms that will enable job providers and individuals to purchase affordable coverage in the private health insurance marketplace.

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To advance job creation and economic development within our state, Michigan must have a stable, fair and reasonable legal climate. We must protect the legal reform laws we have on the books, pursue common-sense reforms that will prevent lawsuit abuse and work to preserve the integrity and credibility of our civil justice system.

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Michigan’s prosperity, global competitiveness and quality of life depend on modern infrastructure. We need a durable strategy and investments to improve and transform our roads, bridges, transit, rail, water, energy and robust access to broadband.