Advocacy News – Nov. 20, 2023
The state announced that private providers have opened 1,089 childcare programs since May 2022.
Why it matters: An eye-opening report — Untapped Potential in MI — released earlier this fall by the Michigan Chamber, in partnership with the U.S. and Grand Rapids Chambers, found that Michigan is losing nearly $3 billion annually with immense strain on working parents and job providers. The study also revealed that 14% of parents left a job in the past six months due to childcare.
A new state initiative — Caring for MI Future — was established after the House and Senate invested $100 million to help child care entrepreneurs open new or expand existing child care programs and enable more Michigan families find quality, affordable child care in their communities. The state had a goal of opening 1,000 new or expanded childcare programs by the end of 2024, a target recently reached.
Caring for MI Future is led by the Michigan Departments of Education MDE and Licensing and Regulatory Affairs and they are focused on helping providers open and grow childcare businesses — from finding and renovating spaces and helping with startup funding to recruiting staff and supporting the creation of a business plans.
Go deeper: The lack of affordable childcare is a key barrier to employability, so the Michigan Chamber will continue its strong advocacy to help increase access to affordable childcare across the state. Learn more about efforts to expand or improve upon three leading childcare tax credits: the Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit (CDCTC), the Dependent Care Assistance Program (DCAP), and the Employer Provided Child Tax Credit (45F).
For questions or more information, contact Leah Robinson at