MI Business Matters

A Michigan Chamber Podcast

In each episode, a Michigan Chamber team member will sit down with a special guest(s) who are influential employers, policymakers and leaders in the community. We’ll discuss relevant and timely issues affecting our state’s job providers, economy, workforce and communities. We’ll help foster pragmatic problem-solving with civility as we explore the opportunities to protect, connect and strengthen Michigan businesses and build a stronger Michigan for all.

Prefer to watch? Find “Mi Business Matters” on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Spreaker!


Mbm 7 Latest Trends And Tools In Workforce Development Talent Recruitment And Retention Part 2 Sara Wurfel
Mbm 7 Latest Trends And Tools In Workforce Development Talent Recruitment And Retention Part 2 Sara Wurfel
Mbm 7 Latest Trends And Tools In Workforce Development Talent Recruitment And Retention Part 2 Sara Wurfel

Host Sara Wurfel – Chief Communications & Marketing Officer of the Michigan Chamber, is joined again by Joe Bamberger – Founder & Managing Partner of Emerge Consulting, Ryan Hundt – CEO of Michigan Works! Association, and Julie Mann – Chief Human Resources Officer of Neogen to discuss the different tactics, innovations and resources that can help in the workforce development and talent recruitment/retention space!

Mbm 5 She Leads A Conversation On Womens Leadership And Michigan Athena Leah Robinson Nicole Noll Williams Rebecca Oconnell
Mbm 5 She Leads A Conversation On Womens Leadership And Michigan Athena Leah Robinson Nicole Noll Williams Rebecca Oconnell
Mbm 5 She Leads A Conversation On Womens Leadership And Michigan Athena Leah Robinson Nicole Noll Williams Rebecca Oconnell

Host Leah Robinson, Director of Legislative Affairs & Leadership Programming at the Michigan Chamber of Commerce, is joined by Nicole Noll-Williams President & CEO of Capital Regional International Airport and Rebecca “Becky” O’Connell Government Affairs Manager of Lake Trust Credit Union, to share their unique insights and perspectives to what has mattered the most, the largest barriers to their success, and the benefits companies and organizations receive from having more female leaders at the top and throughout!

Mbm 4 Business Case For Going Green Amanda Toy Tom Permatteo Mike Alaimo
Mbm 4 Business Case For Going Green Amanda Toy Tom Permatteo Mike Alaimo
Mbm 4 Business Case For Going Green Amanda Toy Tom Permatteo Mike Alaimo

Host Amanda Toy, VP of Membership and Partnerships at the Michigan Chamber of Commerce, is joined by Tom Permatteo, CEO of the Green Business Bureau and Mike Alaimo, Director of Environmental & Energy Affairs at the Michigan Chamber, to discuss the new partnership that will help the growing focus, trends and pressures on the sustainability of going green!

Mbm 3 Michigan Budget Leaders Hot Topics And Policy Priorities Wendy Block Rep Angela Witwer Kurtis Wilder Chris Harkins
Mbm 3 Michigan Budget Leaders Hot Topics And Policy Priorities Wendy Block Rep Angela Witwer Kurtis Wilder Chris Harkins
Mbm 3 Michigan Budget Leaders Hot Topics And Policy Priorities Wendy Block Rep Angela Witwer Kurtis Wilder Chris Harkins

Host Wendy Block, Senior VP of Business Advocacy & Member Engagement at the Michigan Chamber of Commerce, is joined by Senator Sarah Anthony, State Representative Angela Whitwer, and State Budget Director Christopher Harkins to discuss hot topics related to the state’s budget and key priorities for 2023!

Mbm 2 Michigan Budget Leaders General Budget Approach Wendy Block Rep Angela Witwer Kurtis Wilder Chris Harkins
Mbm 2 Michigan Budget Leaders General Budget Approach Wendy Block Rep Angela Witwer Kurtis Wilder Chris Harkins
Mbm 2 Michigan Budget Leaders General Budget Approach Wendy Block Rep Angela Witwer Kurtis Wilder Chris Harkins

Host Wendy Block, Senior VP of Business Advocacy & Member Engagement at the Michigan Chamber of Commerce, is joined by Senator Sarah Anthony, State Representative Angela Witwer, and State Budget Director Christopher Harkins to discuss the state’s overall budget process, approach and expectations!

Have episode or guest ideas?

Let us know - we’d love to hear from you! Reach out to Sara Wurfel at swurfel@michamber.com or fill out this quick form here.

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Interested in being a guest?
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